Loving the British Museum, pots and all | Letters
I would guess that Adrian Chiles is no fan of The Great Pottery Throw Down, currently on Channel 4 (
At 57, I went to the British Museum for the first time – and it left me rather cold, 12 February
). Not only is he missing out on a lovely creative piece of television, but he is failing to recognise that pots, jugs, vessels, dishes and containers of all shapes and sizes have played a vital part in the development of civilisation over the ages.Pots for carrying, storing and dispensing water, wine, oil, foodstuff and human waste are important historical markers of human ingenuity and skill that we should not dismiss. While the use of terracotta, ceramics, bone china etc for functional items in our lives has been usurped by plastic and metal, the artistic merits of pots and their intricate illustrations is something to be celebrated. Maybe Mr Chiles needs to sign up for a pottery class.
Jan Ross
Silverton, Devon
• As a huge fan of the British Museum, I was at first surprised how Adrian Chiles didn’t share my wonder at what’s on display. On reflection, if I had only got round to watching my first football match at 58, I would probably say something inane like “Seen one man kicking a ball, seen them all”. Sounds as if he expected a huge return for little investment. Keep going, it keeps getting better.
Greg Duffield
Hanslope, Buckinghamshire
• May I suggest Adrian Chiles follows one of the British Museum’s excellent
to see a selection of fascinating exhibits giving a fabulous overview of history – and not a pot in sight.Linzi Banks
Kenilworth, Warwickshire
• The awe-inspiring nature of the museum should perhaps be digested in small bites. Helpfully, it provides talks, so just pick a room, join the often-free expert talk and marvel when details are brought to life.
Sue Williams
Fulmer, Buckinghamshire
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