Accept that tube seat graciously, Zoe | Letter
I have been a fan of Zoe Williams for years. She acts decisively, while I hover between alternatives. But sorry, Zoe, you got it wrong in refusing a seat offered to you on the tube (
A stranger offered me a seat on public transport – and it’s thrown me into crisis, 28 January
).Many years ago when I was a mere 62-year-old, a young man offered me a seat on the tube, and I politely declined. My husband told me off later: I had been ungracious and maybe the young man would never bother to be so considerate to anyone else in the future. I had to agree, I got it wrong.
I’m 82 and a widow now, and can walk 10 miles or more, but if I’m offered a seat, or someone says they will carry my case down the station stairs, I accept and tell them their mother would be proud of them.
Barbara Foster
Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire
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