My spooky stay at Adele’s ‘haunted’ mansion | Letters
I was intrigued, though a little dismayed, to read your article about Lock House in West Sussex and discover that the magnificent mansion still carries the reputation of being haunted (
).Several years ago, I was acting as an informal caretaker of the property for friends. At no time during my mostly solitary vigil did the old house give me reason to feel uneasy, not even when a storm caused a power cut and left me in the cavernous Stygian darkness without a torch.
In fairness to Adele and the good folk of Partridge Green, I would not dismiss their misgivings out of hand. My time at Lock House had given me a chance to reorganise the artwork on my long-running science fiction newspaper strip for syndication, and my makeshift studio was littered with images of eerie extraterrestrials, an AI female android and spooky scenarios. Far from the ghosties scaring me away, was it I who was frightening them?
Sydney Jordan
Arundel, West Sussex
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