Donald Trump and Nigel Farage are not ‘strongmen’ | Brief letters
Can we stop referring to Donald Trump and especially Nigel Farage as “strongmen” (
). My great-uncle Joe was a strong man, hewing tons of coal from a 3ft seam at Dean and Chapter Colliery. Despite his dressing-up-box farmer’s attire, I doubt Farage has ever soiled his hands.Jim McManners
Trimdon Grange, County Durham
• I sympathise with Helen Evans about the number of photos of Donald Trump in the Guardian (
). But I have a solution to this problem. I select them to put on the kitchen floor at night for the puppy to pee on.Helen Owen
Whitcliffe, Shropshire
• In 2015, the late and much-missed
: “I now need a big, black, felt-tip pen beside me in the mornings when I’m reading my paper, so that I can quickly blot out any image of George Osborne … On Sunday, I had to blot out Donald Trump as well.” I often reflect on that piece of advice when picking up my newspaper.Deborah Sheridan
Finchingfield, Essex
• If you can’t make it to Paris (
David Hockney unveils unseen work for major Paris retrospective, 20 January
), and even if you can, Cartwright Hall in Bradford has a permanent Hockney gallery covering the artist’s whole career, from his student days through to more recent iPad experiments.Warren Brown
Ilkley, West Yorkshire
• My response, when guilty of a minor misdemeanour, to the teacher’s “What’s the matter, Horne?” was “A mountain, sir” (
). I thought this extremely witty, as did my classmates. I was put in detention and given 100 lines.Bob Horne
Lightcliffe, West Yorkshire
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